Saturday, August 14, 2021

The Confederate Army of Tennessee at Chickamauga

The following is an organizational table showing the composition of General Braxton Bragg's Confederate Army of Tennessee at the time of the Battle of Chickamauga.

The organizational chart for the Confederate Army of Tennessee at Chickamauga is more complicated than the chart in the preceding post for the Union Army of the Cumberland. As the Battle of Chickamauga progressed, Braxton Bragg received reinforcements from Robert E. Lee's Army of Northern Virginia - General James Longstreet's corps. Longstreet and his men arrived as the battle was going on; some did not arrive until the battle was over. After Longstreet arrived on the battlefield, late on the evening of September 19, 1863, Bragg reorganized his army into two wings, commanded by Longstreet and Corps Commander Leonidas Polk. This caused much reshuffling among the various units.

Unlike Union units which are numbered, Confederate units are named after commanders. Again, like the Army of the Cumberland organizational chart, this chart shows unit commanders and their successors as caused by the shuffling of the units or casualties. (k)=killed, (mw)= mortally wounded, (w)=wounded, (c)=captured

THE ARMY OF TENNESSEE -- General Braxton Bragg

Dreux's Company, Louisiana Cavalry (Escort) - Lieutenant O. DeBuis
Holloway's Company, Alabama Cavalry (Escort) - Captain Edwin M. Holloway

RIGHT WING -- Lieutenant General Leonidas Polk

Greenleaf's Company, Louisiana Cavalry (Escort) - Captain Leeds Greenleaf

CHEATHAM'S DIVISION (Polk's Corps) -- Major General Benjamin Franklin Cheatham

2nd Georgia Cavalry, Company G - Captain Thomas M. Merritt  

Jackson's Brigade -- Brigadier General John King Jackson

1st Georgia (Confederate), 2nd Battalion - Major James Clark Gordon
5th Georgia - Colonel Charles P. Daniel
2nd Georgia Battalion Sharpshooters - Major Richard H. Whiteley
5th Mississippi - Lieutenant Colonel W. L. Sykes, Major John B. Herring
8th Mississippi - Colonel John C. Wilkinson

Smith's Brigade -- Brigadier General Preston Smith (k), Colonel Alfred Jefferson Vaughan, Jr.

11th Tennessee - Colonel George W. Gordon
12th - 47th Tennessee - Colonel William M. Watkins
13th- 154th Tennessee - Colonel Alfred Jefferson Vaughan, Jr., Lieutenant Colonel R. W. Pitman
29th Tennessee - Colonel Horace Rice
Dawson's Battalion Sharpshooters - Major J. W. Dawson, Major William Green, Major James Purl

Maney's Brigade - Brigadier General George Earl Maney

1st - 27th Tennessee - Colonel Hume R. Field
4th Tennessee (Provisional Army) - Colonel James A. McMurry, Lieutenant Colonel Robert N. Lewis, Major Oliver A. Bradshaw, Captain Joseph Bostick
6th - 9th Tennessee - Colonel George C. Porter
24th Tennessee Battalion Sharpshooters - Major Frank Maney

Wright's Brigade -- Brigadier General Marcus Joseph Wright

8th Tennessee - Colonel John H. Anderson
16th Tennessee - Colonel David M. Donnell
28th Tennessee - Colonel Sidney S. Stanton
38th Tennessee and 22nd Tennessee Battalion Sharpshooters - Colonel John C. Carter
51st - 52nd Tennessee - Lieutenant Colonel John G. Hall 

Strahl's Brigade -- Brigadier General Otho French Strahl

4th - 5th Tennessee - Colonel Jonathan J. Lamb
19th Tennessee - Colonel Francis Marion Walker
24th Tennessee - Colonel John A. Wilson
31st Tennessee- Colonel Egbert E. Tansil
33rd Tennessee - Colonel Warner P. Jones

Artillery -- Major Melancton Smith

Carnes's (Tennessee) Battery - Captain William W. Carnes
Scogin's (Georgia) Battery - Captain John Scogin
Scott's (Tennessee) Battery - Lieutenant John H. Marsh, Lieutenant A. T. Watson, Captain William L. Scott
Smith's (Mississippi) Battery - Lieutenant William B. Turner
Stanford's (Mississippi) Battery - Captain Thomas J. Stanford

HILL'S CORPS -- Lieutenant General Daniel Harvey Hill

CLEBURNE'S DIVISION -- Major General Patrick Ronayne Cleburne

Sanders's Company Tennessee Cavalry (Escort) - Captain Calvin F. Sanders

Wood's Brigade -- Brigadier General Sterling Alexander Martin Wood

16th Alabama - Major John H. McGaughy, Captain Frederick A. Ashford
33rd Alabama - Colonel Samuel Adams
45th Alabama - Colonel E. B. Breedlove
18th Alabama Battalion - Major John H. Gibson (mw)
32nd - 45th Mississippi - Colonel Mark P. Lowrey
15th Mississippi Battalion Sharpshooters - Major A. T. Hawkins, Captain Daniel Coleman
Polk's Brigade -- Brigadier General Lucius Eugene Polk

1st Arkansas - Colonel John W. Colquitt
3rd - 5th Confederate - Colonel James A. Smith
2nd Tennessee - Colonel William D. Robison
35th Tennessee - Colonel Benjamin J. Hill
48th Tennessee - Colonel George H. Nixon
Deshler's Brigade -- Brigadier General James Deshler (k), Colonel Roger Quarles Mills

19th - 24th Arkansas - Lieutenant Colonel Augustus S. Hutchison
6th - 10th Texas Infantry - 15th Texas Cavalry (Dismounted) - Colonel Roger Quarles Mills, Lieutenant Colonel T. Scott Anderson
17th - 18th - 24th - 25th Texas Cavalry (Dismounted) - Colonel Franklin C. Wilkes, Lieutenant Colonel John T. Colt, Major William A. Taylor

Artillery -- Major Thomas R. Hotchkiss (w), Captain Henry C. Semple

Calvert's Arkansas Battery - Lieutenant Thomas J. Key
Douglas's Texas Battery - Captain James P. Douglas
Semple's Alabama Battery - Captain Henry C. Semple, Lieutenant Richard W. Goldthwaite

BRECKINRIDGE'S DIVISION -- Major General John Cabell Breckinridge

 Foules's Company Mississippi Cavalry (Escort) - Captain Henry I. Foules

Helm's Brigade -- Brigadier General Benjamin Hardin Helm (k), Colonel Joseph Horace Lewis

41st Alabama - Colonel Martin L. Stansel
2nd Kentucky - Lieutenant Colonel James W. Hewitt, Lieutenant Colonel James W. Moss
4th Kentucky - Colonel Joseph P. Nuckols, Major Thomas W. Thompson
6th Kentucky - Colonel Joseph H. Lewis, Lieutenant Colonel Martin H. Cofer
9th Kentucky - Colonel John W. Caldwell, Lieutenant Colonel John C. Wickliffe

Adam's Brigade -- Brigadier General Daniel Weisiger Adams (w & c), Colonel Randall Lee Gibson

32nd Alabama - Major John C. Kimball, Colonel Randall Lee Gibson
13th - 20th Louisiana - Colonel Leon von Zinken. Captain Edgar M. Dubroca
16th - 25th Louisiana - Colonel Daniel Gober
19th Louisiana - Lieutenant Colonel Richard W. Turner, Major Loudon Butler, Captain H. A. Kennedy
14th Louisiana Sharpshooters - Major John E. Austin

Stovall's Brigade -- Brigadier General Marcellus Augustus Stovall

1st - 3rd Florida - Colonel William S. Dilworth
4th Florida - Colonel Wiles L. L. Bowen
47th Georgia - Captain William S. Phillips, Captain Joseph S. Cone
60th North Carolina - Lieutenant Colonel James M. Ray, Captain James T. Weaver

Artillery -- Major Rice Evan Graves, Jr. (k)

Cobb's Kentucky Battery -Captain Robert Cobb
Graves's Kentucky Battery - Lieutenant Selden M. Spencer
Mebane's Tennessee Battery - Captain John W. Mebane
Slocumb's Louisiana Battery - Captain Cuthbert  H. Slocumb

RESERVE CORPS -- Major General William Henry Talbot Walker

WALKER'S DIVISION -- Brigadier General States Rights Gist

Gist's Brigade -- Brigadier General States Rights Gist, Colonel Peyton H. Colquitt (k), Lieutenant Colonel Leroy Napier

8th Georgia Battalion - Lieutenant Colonel Leroy Napier, Major Zachariah L. Watters
46th Georgia - Colonel Peyton H. Colquitt, Major A. M. Speer
16th South Carolina (not engaged, at Rome) - Colonel James McCullough
24th South Carolina - Colonel Clement H. Stevens (w), Lieutenant Colonel Ellison Capers
Ector's Brigade -- Brigadier General Matthew D. Ector

Stone's Alabama Battalion Sharpshooters - Major Thomas O. Stone
Pound's Mississippi Battalion Sharpshooters - Captain Merryman Pound
29th North Carolina - Colonel William B. Creasman
9th Texas - Colonel William H. Young (w)
10th Texas Cavalry (Dismounted) - Lieutenant Colonel Cullen R. Earp
14th Texas Cavalry (Dismounted) - Colonel John L. Camp
32nd Texas Cavalry (Dismounted) - Colonel Julius A. Andrews
Wilson's Brigade -- Colonel Claudius C. Wilson

25th Georgia - Lieutenant Colonel Andrew J. Williams
29th Georgia - Lieutenant George R. McRae
30th Georgia - Lieutenant Colonel James S. Bonton
1st Georgia Battalion Sharpshooters - Major Arthur Shaaff
4th Louisiana Battalion - Lieutenant Colonel John McEnery


Ferguson's South Carolina Battery (not engaged, at Rome) - Lieutenant Rene T. Beauregard
Howell's Georgia Battery - Captain Evan P. Howell

LIDDELL'S DIVISION-- Brigadier General St. John Richardson Liddell

Liddell's Brigade -- Colonel Daniel C. Govan

2nd - 15th Arkansas - Lieutenant Colonel Reuben F. Harvey, Captain Alexander T. Meek
5th - 13th Arkansas - Colonel Lucius Featherston, Lieutenant Colonel John E. Murray
6th - 7th Arkansas - Colonel David A. Gillespie, Lieutenant Colonel Peter Snyder
8th Arkansas - 1st Louisiana (Regulars) - Lieutenant Colonel George F. Baucum, Major Anderson Watkins
Walthall's Brigade -- Brigadier General Edward C. Walthall

24th Mississippi - Lieutenant Colonel Robert P. McKelvaine, Major William C. Staples, Captain Benjamin F. Toomer, Captain J. D. Smith
27th Mississippi - Colonel James A. Campbell
29th Mississippi - Colonel William F. Brantley
30th Mississippi - Colonel Junius I. Scales, Lieutenant Colonel Hugh A. Reynolds, Major James M. Johnson
34th Mississippi - Lieutenant Colonel Hugh A. Reynolds (mw), Major William G. Pegram, Captain Henry J. Bowen

Artillery -- Captain Charles Swett

Fowler's Alabama Battery - Captain William H. Fowler
Warren Light Artillery (Mississippi Battery) - Lieutenant Harvey Shannon

LEFT WING -- Lieutenant General James Longstreet

HINDMAN'S DIVISION (Polk's Corps) -- Major General Thomas Carmichael Hindman, Jr. (w), Brigadier General James Patton Anderson

Lenoir's Company, Alabama Cavalry (Escort) - Captain Thomas M. Lenoir 

Anderson's Brigade -- Brigadier General James Patton Anderson, Colonel Jacob Hunter Sharp

7th Mississippi - Colonel William H. Bishop
9th Mississippi - Major Thomas H. Lynam
10th Mississippi - Lieutenant Colonel James Barr, Jr.
41st Mississippi - Colonel William F. Tucker
44th Mississippi - Colonel Jacob H. Sharp, Lieutenant Colonel R. G. Kelsey
9th Mississippi Battalion Sharpshooters - Major William C. Richards
Garrity's Alabama Battery - Captain James Garrity

Deas's Brigade -- Brigadier General Zachariah Cantey Deas

19th Alabama - Colonel Samuel K. McSpadden
22nd Alabama - Lieutenant Colonel John Weeden, Captain Harry T. Toulmin
25th Alabama - Lieutenant Colonel George D. Johnston
39th Alabama - Colonel Whitfield Clark
50th Alabama - Colonel John G. Coltart
17th Alabama Battalion Sharpshooters - Captain James F. Nabers
Dent's Alabama Battery - Captain Staunton H. Dent
Manigault's Brigade -- Brigadier General Arthur M. Manigault

24th Alabama - Colonel Newton N. Davis
28th Alabama - Colonel John C. Reid
34th Alabama - Major John N. Slaughter
10th - 19th South Carolina - Colonel James F. Pressley
Waters's Alabama Battery - Lieutenant Charles W. Watkins

BUCKNER'S CORPS -- Major General Simon Bolivar Buckner

Clark's Company Tennessee Cavalry (Escort) - Captain J. W. Clark

STEWART'S DIVISION -- Major General Alexander Peter Stewart

Johnson's Brigade -- Brigadier General Bushrod R. Johnson, Colonel John S. Fulton

17th Tennessee - Lieutenant Colonel Watt W. Floyd
23rd Tennessee - Colonel Richard H. Keeble
25th Tennessee - Lieutenant Colonel Robert B. Snowden
44th Tennessee - Lieutenant Colonel John L. McEwen, Jr., Major Gibson M. Crawford

Brown's Brigade -- Brigadier General John C. Brown (w), Colonel Edmund C. Cook

18th Tennessee - Colonel Joseph B. Palmer
26th Tennessee - Colonel John M. Lillard, Major Richard M. Saffell
32nd Tennessee - Colonel Edmund C. Cook, Captain Galoway G. Tucker
45th Tennessee - Colonel Anderson Searcy
23rd Tennessee Battalion - Major Tazewell W. Newman, Captain W. P. Simpson
Bate's Brigade -- Brigadier General William B. Bate

58th Alabama - Colonel Bushrod Jones
37th Georgia - Colonel Anthony F. Rudler, Lieutenant Colonel Joseph T. Smith
15th - 37th Tennessee - Colonel Robert C. Tyler, Colonel R. Dudley Frayser, Captain Rufus M. Tankesley
20th Tennessee - Colonel Thomas B. Smith, Major William M. Shy
4th Georgia Battalion Sharpshooters - Major Theodore D. Caswell, Captain Benjamin M. Turner, Lieutenant Joel Towers
Clayton's Brigade -- Brigadier General H. D. Clayton

18th Alabama - Colonel James T. Holtzclaw, Lieutenant Colonel Richard F. Inge, Major Peter F. Hunley
36th Alabama - Colonel Lewis T. Woodruff
38th Alabama - Lieutenant Colonel Augustus R. Lankford

Artillery -- Major J. Wesley Eldridge

1st Arkansas Battery - Captain John T. Humphreys
Dawson's Georgia Battery - Lieutenant Ruel W. Anderson
Eufaula Artillery (Alabama Battery) - Captain McDonald Oliver
Co. E, 9th Georgia Artillery Battalion (Everett's, formerly Billington W. York's Battery) - Lieutenant William S. Everett

PRESTON'S DIVISION -- Brigadier General William Preston III

Gracie's Brigade -- Brigadier General Archibald Gracie, Jr.

1st Alabama Battalion (Hilliard's Legion) - Lieutenant Colonel John H. Holt, Captain George W. Huguley
2nd Alabama Battalion (Hilliard's Legion) - Lieutenant Colonel Bolling Hall, Jr., Captain Westley D. Walden
3rd Alabama Battalion (Hilliard's Legion) - Lieutenant Colonel John W. A. Sanford
4th Alabama Battalion (Hilliard's Legion - artillery battalion serving as infantry) - Major John D. McLennan
43rd Alabama - Colonel Young M. Moody
63rd Tennessee - Lieutenant Colonel Abraham F. Fulkerson, Major John A. Aiken

Trigg's Brigade -- Colonel Robert C. Trigg

1st Florida Cavalry (Dismounted) - Colonel G. Troup Maxwell
6th Florida - Colonel Jesse J. Finley
7th Florida - Colonel Robert Bullock
54th Virginia - Lieutenant Colonel John J. Wade
Kelly's Brigade -- Colonel John H. Kelly

65th Georgia - Colonel Robert H. Moore
5th Kentucky - Colonel Hiram Hawkins
58th North Carolina - Colonel John B. Palmer
63rd Virginia - Major James M. French

9th Georgia Artillery Battalion -- Major Austin Leyden

Company C (Wolihin's Battery) - Captain Andrew M. Wolihin
Company D (Peeples's Battery) - Captain Tyler M. Peeples
Jeffress's Virginia Battery - Captain William C. Jeffress

Reserve Corps Artillery -- Major Samuel C. Williams

Baxter's Tennessee Battery - Captain Edmund D. Baxter
Darden's Mississippi Battery - Captain Putnam Darden
Kolb's Alabama Battery - Captain Reuben F. Kolb
McCants's Florida Battery - Captain Robert P. McCants

JOHNSON'S DIVISION -- Brigadier General Bushrod Rust Johnson

(a provisional division embracing Johnson's Brigade and, part of the time, Robertson's and Anderson's Brigades, as well as Gregg's and McNair's. Attached to Longstreet's Corps under Hood on September 19.)

Gregg's Brigade -- Brigadier General John Gregg (w), Colonel Cyrus A. Sugg

3rd Tennessee - Colonel Calvin H. Walker
10th Tennessee - Colonel William Grace
30th Tennessee - Lieutenant Colonel James J. Turner, Captain Charles S. Douglass
41st Tennessee - Lieutenant Colonel James D. Tillman
50th Tennessee - Colonel Cyrus A. Sugg, Lieutenant Colonel Thomas W. Beaumont, Major Christopher W. Robertson
7th Texas - Colonel Hiram B. Granbury, Major Khleber M. Vanzandt
1st Tennessee Battalion - Major Stephen H. Colms, Major Christopher W. Robertson
Bledsoe's Missouri Battery - Lieutenant Rice L. Wood
McNair's Brigade -- Brigadier General Evander McNair (w), Colonel David Coleman

1st Arkansas Mounted Rifles (Dismounted) - Colonel Robert W. Harper
2nd Arkansas Mounted Rifles (Dismounted) - Colonel James A. Williamson
25th Arkansas - Lieutenant Colonel Eli Hufstedler
39th North Carolina - Colonel David Coleman
4th & 31st & 4th Arkansas Battalion (Consolidated) - Major Jesse A. Ross
Culpeper's South Carolina Battery - Captain James F. Culpeper

LONGSTREET'S CORPS* -- Major General John Bell Hood (w)

* Corps's organization taken from return of Lee's army for 8/31/63. Pickett's Division was left in Virginia

MCLAWS'S DIVISION -- Brigadier General Joseph B. Kershaw, Major General Lafayette McLaws

Kershaw's Brigade -- Brigadier General Joseph B. Kershaw

2nd South Carolina - Lieutenant Colonel Franklin Gaillard
3rd South Carolina - Colonel James D. Nance
7th South Carolina - Lieutenant Colonel Elbert Bland (k), Major John S. Hard (k), Captain Elijah J. Goggans
8th South Carolina - Colonel John W. Henagan
15th South Carolina - Colonel Joseph F. Gist
3rd South Carolina Battalion - Captain Joshua M. Townsend (k)
Humphreys's Brigade -- Brigadier General Benjamin G. Humphreys

13th Mississippi - Lieutenant Colonel Kennon McElroy
17th Mississippi - Lieutenant Colonel John C. Fiser
18th Mississippi - Captain William F. Hubbard
21st Mississippi - Lieutenant Colonel Daniel N. Moody

Woffords Brigade** -- Brigadier General W. T. Wofford  
Bryan's Brigade** -- Brigadier General Goode Bryan

** Longstreet's report indicates that these brigades did not arrive in time for the battle.

HOOD'S DIVISION -- Major General John B. Hood (w), Brigadier General E. McIver Law

Jenkin's Brigade* -- Brigadier General Micah Jenkins
Law's Brigade -- Brigadier General E. McIver Law, Colonel James L. Sheffield

4th Alabama - Colonel Pinckney D. Bowles
15th Alabama - Colonel William C. Oates
44th Alabama - Colonel William F. Perry
47th Alabama - Major James M. Campbell
48th Alabama - Lieutenant Colonel William M. Hardwick
Robertson's Brigade** -- Brigadier General Jerome B. Robertson, Colonel Vannoy H. Manning

3rd Arkansas - Colonel Vannoy H. Manning
1st Texas - Captain Richard J. Harding
4th Texas - Lieutenant Colonel John P. Bane, Captain Robert H. Bassett
5th Texas - Major Jefferson C. Rogers, Captain J. S. Cleveland, Captain Tacitus C. Clay

Anderson's Brigade* -- Brigadier General George T. Anderson
Benning's Brigade -- Brigadier General Henry L. Benning

2nd Georgia - Lieutenant Colonel William S. Shepard, Major W. W. Charlton
15th Georgia - Colonel Dudley M. DuBose, Major Peter J. Shannon
17th Georgia - Lieutenant Colonel Charles W. Matthews
20th Georgia - Colonel James D. Waddell

*did not arrive in time to take part in battle
** served part of the time in Johnson's Provisional Division

Reserve Artillery -- Major Felix H. Robertson

Barret's Missouri Battery - Captain Overton W. Barret
LeGardeur's Alabama Battery - Captain Gustave LeGardeur, Jr.
Havis's Georgia Battery - Captain Minor W. Havis
Lumsden's Alabama Battery - Captain Charles L. Lumsden
Massenburg's Georgia Battery - Captain Thomas L. Massenburg

CAVALRY -- Major General Joseph Wheeler

WHARTON'S DIVISION -- Brigadier General John A. Wharton

First Brigade -- Colonel Charles C. Crews

9th Alabama - Colonel James C. Malone, Jr.
2nd Georgia - Lieutenant Colonel Francis M. Ison
3rd Georgia - Lieutenant Colonel Robert Thompson
4th Georgia - Colonel Isaac W. Avery

Second Brigade -- Colonel Thomas Harrison

3rd Confederate - Colonel William N. Estes
3rd Kentucky - Lieutenant Colonel J. Warren Griffith 
4th Tennessee - Lieutenant Colonel Paul F. Anderson
8th Texas - Lieutenant Colonel Gustave Cook
11th Texas - Colonel George R. Reeves
White's Tennessee Battery - Captain Benjamin F. White, Jr.

MARTIN'S DIVISION -- Brigadier General William T. Martin

First Brigade -- Colonel John T. Morgan

1st Alabama - Lieutenant Colonel David T. Blakey
3rd Alabama - Lieutenant Colonel Tyirie H. Maudlin
51st Alabama Partisan Rangers - Lieutenant Colonel Milton L. Kirkpatrick
8th Confederate - Lieutenant Colonel John S. Prather

Second Brigade -- Colonel Alfred A. Russell

4th Alabama - Lieutenant Colonel Joseph M. Hambrick
1st Confederate - Captain Charles H. Conner
Wiggins's Arkansas Battery - Lieutenant James P. Bradley
Roddey's Brigade -- Brigadier General T. D. Roddey

FORREST'S CORPS -- Brigadier General Nathan Bedford Forrest

Jackson's Company, Tennessee Cavalry (Escort) - Captain John J. Jackson

ARMSTRONG'S DIVISION -- Brigadier General Frank C. Armstrong

Armstrong's Brigade -- Colonel James T. Wheeler

3rd Arkansas - Colonel Amson W. Hobson
2nd Kentucky - Lieutenant Colonel Thomas G. Woodward
6th Tennessee - Lieutenant Colonel James H. Lewis
18th Tennessee Battalion - Major Charles McDonald

Forrest's Brigade -- Colonel George G. Dibrell

4th Tennessee - Colonel William S. McLemore
8th Tennessee - Captain Hamilton McGinnis
9th Tennessee - Colonel Jacob B. Biffle
10th Tennessee - Colonel Nicholas N. Cox
11th Tennessee - Colonel Daniel W. Holman
Shaw's Battalion, Oliver P. Hamilton's Battallion, Robert D. Allison's Squadron (Consolidated) - Major Joseph Shaw
Huggins's Tennessee Battery - Captain Amariah L. Huggins
Morton's Tennessee Battery - Captain John W. Morton, Jr.

PEGRAM'S DIVISION -- Brigadier General John Pegram

Davidson's Brigade -- Brigadier General Henry B. Davidson

1st Georgia - Colonel James J. Morrison
6th Georgia - Colonel John R. Hart
6th North Carolina - Colonel George N. Folk
Rucker's Tennessee Legion - Colonel Edmund W. Rucker
12th Tennessee Battalion, Huwald's Battery - Captain Gustave A. Huwald
Scott's Brigade -- Colonel John S. Scott

10th Confederate - Colonel Charles T. Goode
Detachment of John Hunt Morgan's command - Lieutenant Colonel Robert W. Martin
1st Louisiana - Lieutenant Colonel James O. Nixon
2nd Tennessee - Colonel Henry W. Ashby
5th Tennessee - Colonel George W. McKenzie
Robinson's Louisiana Battery (one section) - Lieutenant Winslow Robinson

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